

Increasingly, healthcare professionals are using technology as part of their practice, offering telemedicine, telehealth and teletherapy options to patients and clients.

Teletherapy offers expanded access to care for our patients and improves continuity of care. It allows us to provide added convenience, and to be responsive to varying circumstances (practical and clinical) that might warrant remote care. Our therapists provide the same high-quality care via teletherapy for individuals, families, couples, and teens as we do in person.

Consider teletherapy if you do not live close enough to one of our locations to reliably attend in person, or if are concerned about missing appointments due to your schedule, frequent business travel, being housebound, or due to bad weather. Teletherapy is also an option for couples therapy or family therapy sessions when one or more participants is traveling, or schedules and/or geographical distance don’t allow for everyone to be in the same place at the same time.

How does teletherapy work?

  • Through your phone, tablet or computer — any device with an internet connection; if you have ever used Skype on your computer or FaceTime on your iPhone, you have used the same type of technology that teletherapy uses.
  • Our office uses a HIPAA-compliant version attached to our scheduling system.
  • Appointments are the same length as your in-person sessions and are scheduled in the same way.
  • You choose a quiet, private spot free of distraction, interruptions and background noise and connect with your therapist via a safe, secure online platform.

About Teletherapy

Teletherapy includes unique considerations that are essential to your care and is not a suitable modality for everyone. You and your therapist may determine that in-person therapy services or a hybrid approach — as opposed to 100% teletherapy sessions — might better achieve your treatment goals.

You must have access to technological resources such as a webcam, microphone and speakers on your computer or a smartphone or tablet. You may need to download software to your device to participate in your teletherapy sessions. Adequate internet speed that accommodates videoconferencing is required.

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Helpful Forms

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